Adventure Awaits

     The darkness grows, threatening to overtake me.  The medication tries to fight it but it makes me anxious and jittery.  I don't sleep.  Everything is crashing down.  I want to run.  I want to hit the road like Hunter S. Thompson.  I want to see and experience things.  I want to have adventures. I want to find out who I am and recreate myself somewhere new.  I have no trusty sidekick.  No partner in crime.  All friends are too rooted with good lives and connections.  They can't just pick up and leave.  I am disconnected.  No one waits up for me.  I've got nowhere to go and noting to lose.  No fun going alone. 
     If I cannot explore the outside world, I have no choice but to turn toward te darkness and see what lurks inside.  Will I emerge a new man?  Will I emerge at all?


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